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SFU Harbour Centre
515 W Hastings St, Rooms 1410-1430, Joseph and Rosalie Segal Centre Vancouver, BC V6B4N6

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Nov 20 2023


7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Sticking Up for Public Healthcare Town Hall

Calling all advocates of public health care – health care workers, patients, seniors, researchers, and the public – to stick together for health care solutions, not privatization. 

Our health care system is in crisis. We’re in urgent need of reform, innovation, and brave conversations about what the future must look like for public health care.

We’re extremely concerned that the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) is sponsoring a cross-country conversation about the role of private health care. They’ll be in Vancouver on November 23rd, at a Globe & Mail hosted townhall focused on “new players” (read: for-profit companies) in the health care landscape. We can’t afford to revisit this old, tired argument about the role of private health care when we need urgent fixes for our public system.

We’re pushing back. Join us for an evening of learning and organizing, where we will examine the overwhelming evidence against growing the role of private for-profit providers. To be clear – this is not a debate. Public health care is the proven best way to ensure access to health care is based on need, not wealth.

We will hear from health care providers and experts on the many possibilities for improving access and quality of health care within the public system. We’ll make a plan together to organize a delegation to stick up for public health care solutions at the CMA townhall later that week.

We can’t afford to give up on our public system. It’s time to make our public system better and ensure it works for everyone.