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Welcome to your UN Decade of Healthy Ageing update for May!

In this newsletter, learn more about:

In case you missed it: events, publications, and more

14th Open-ended Working Group on Ageing

This week from 20-22 and 24 May 2024, the 14th session of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (OEWGA) is taking place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The OEWGA brings together governments, civil society organisations, and researchers to identify gaps in existing international frameworks on the human rights of older persons and how best to address them.

With policy and law identified as one of three strategies proven to work to reduce ageism by the UN Global report on ageism, the OEWGA is a crucial contribution to creating #AWorld4AllAges.

Keep track of the conversations and get involved by watching the webcasts on UN Web TV, and joining online or watching recordings of official side events, curated on the UN Decade knowledge Platform

Join dialogues on healthy ageing at the 77th World Health Assembly

The World Health Assembly (WHA) takes place every end-May at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland. It is attended by delegations from WHO’s 194 Member States. The WHA also attracts a range of stakeholders from around the world working to ensure the highest attainable standard of health for all.

On the margins of the 77th WHA, a number of events related to healthy ageing are being organised – reflecting continued momentum in efforts to transform the world to be a better place to grow older during this UN Decade of Healthy Ageing.

Whether you’re joining the dialogues in person or online, we’ve brought together all the relevant events on the UN Decade Platform

New resources on long-term care from the World Health Organization

As a contribution to the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, the World Health Organization has recently published two resources to support governments and care providers to ensure that older people who need it has access to good quality, affordable long-term care (LTC):

Make your voice heard on social isolation and loneliness and the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

WHO Commission on Social Connection calls for lived experiences of social isolation and loneliness – across all age groups

Closing 31 May 2024 (Friday): The WHO Commission is looking for around 5 individuals to document their stories as a continuation of the Social Connection Series of short films, and a larger group to participate in a ‘lived experience panel’ to review the WHO Commission’s flagship report before publication.

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Vote on a ‘supporters’ logo’ for the Global Campaign to Combat Ageism

Closing 31 May 2024 (Friday): The Global Campaign to Combat Ageism is looking for your inputs to develop a ‘supporters’ logo’ that any stakeholder can use on their events, publications, campaigns, and more to link their work to the Global Campaign

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More opportunities to get involved

In case you missed it: events, publications, and more

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