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Perhaps the cork popped loud enough that you heard the Senate had passed third reading of the Pension Protection Bill C228 late yesterday. The long road to justice has been served up to the lists of advocates that worked tirelessly over several decades. Most importantly a workers coalition group formed around the efforts of Mike Powell, president of the CFP and army built by the affiliated organizations within the Canadian Federation of Pensioners. I know you will join with me in sending our deep appreciation for building a large and close knit tent that kept everyone involved. We all felt honoured and committed to this work and it paid off!

Canadian Defined Benefit pensioners are breathing a little easier now as a result of this monumental event. We appreciate the passionate work of MP Marilyn Gladu in bringing the House of Commons representatives and Senate to vote unanimously to prevent the consequences that pensioners from Nortel, Sears and others who suffered past financial hardship due to corporate bankruptcy.

Please take the time to celebrate with your network, allies in government and remember to educate the current workforce of this historic battle and why its so important to achieve pension justice for all.

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