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We are at a crucial juncture in advocating for the rights of older persons. We request your assistance in broadly disseminating the information below throughout your extensive networks.

The NPF joins with many leading NGOs in a national campaign that includes the CCAA, Canadian Coalition Against Ageism (web site page

We have come together to bolster support to our leading cause this week through the International Global campaign for the Rights of Older Persons, now underway (April 29th through May 20th, 2024).

As we approach the pivotal United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on Ageism, Session 14, in mid May 2024 it is more important than ever for us to engage proactively with our elected representatives.

I urge you to contact your elected officials and encourage their support for the establishment of a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons. This convention is vital for ensuring that the dignity and rights of older individuals are recognized and protected globally.

Ageing with Dignity Mobilization Campaign April 29 – May 20, 2024

  1. Check out the CCAA information website.
  2. Join us to spread this event on Social Media Awareness with the Hash Tags,#CCAAgeism #UNConvention #OEWGA
  3. We ask that you join the Canadian Medical Association’s @CMA_Docs letter writing campaign to Canadian elected officials.Use the letter writing tool can be found here feel free to use any and all information in your communications:
  4. Alternatively, Register or log in to CMA Community, then click this linkto access the letter-writing tool. For support to log in or register, check out the CMA FAQ.

Your voice is essential in this effort!

Please  help spread the word. Share it widely within your networks and beyond to amplify our collective voice.

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